Impact Games - A Better Way to Beer Pong Six-in-One Drinking Game Party Table
Impact Games offers a Better Way to Beer Pong with our Six-in-One Drinking Game Table Decal/Banner that transforms any 4ft x 8ft Beer Pong Table into a Party Table that offers Beer Pong, Quarters, Flipcups, Higher/Lower, King's Cup and the brand new Drunken Sailors (think Battleship had a baby with Beer Pong). Great for both Home and Business Applications - Imagine having a different drinking game tournament each night of the week with only 1 Beer Pong Table! We've also included FREE instructions for making an Inexpensive 4x8 Table to get the games started. The Six-in-One Game Table also includes rules for each game and is customizable to fit school, brand, or team color schemes.