MLQ Major League Quarters - Bar Tables Into A Ballpark With a Quarters Game
Catch Baseball fever, and a healthy buzz, with this fast paced quarters game.
1 v. 1 or teams - you pick. Play is simple, but far from easy. Players take turns spinning quarters from the batters box down the game table trying to land on "Single", "Double", "Triple", and "Homerun". Try your best to avoid the "Out" areas, and "Bunt" if you want to sacrifice a batter to advance your runners. That's right! Keep track of your team with quarters, keep track of outs with quarters, keep score with quarters. That's why it's called Major League Quarters.
All you need to play is a pocket full of quarters, 2-8 friends, and a few drinks.
Standard size for this game is 48"x16" to fit any 2'x4' table. Easy-to-follow rules are embedded in the design.
Adhesive Backed Vinyl Decals - These decals are designed for a semi-permanent installation on the tables you already have. We use 3M High Performance Vinyl with Matte Lamination for vibrant colors and durability.
Installation: Clean table surface with Window Cleaner or All-Purpose Cleaner. Re-clean surface with Isopropyl Alcohol to remove any remaining residue. Center decal on table surface and secure in place with masking tape. Fold one half pf the decal back over itself peeling the decal away from the backing paper. Remove and discard exposed backing paper. Carefully apply decal to table's surface with vinyl applicator or credit card starting from the center and working towards the edges. Remove masking tape and repeat the process for the other half of the decal.
INCORPORATING YOUR LOGO: Impact Games offers customized decals with your business logo. Click HERE to add your logo to all of the decals in your order for a one time fee of $25.
• Minimum of 2 players, but even teams of as many people as you want works too.
• Two bucks worth of quarters. That's 8 for those who always pay by card.
• A MLQ game table. Like one with a field and rules and such. Now where would one find that I wonder...?
• Your favorite adult beverage(s). Beer is the traditional option, but feel free to spice things up with your beverage of choice.
• The 8 quarters: 2 quarters are to be used to keep track of the score, 2 quarters are used to keep track of outs, 3 quarters are used as base runners, and the last quarter is used as the ball in this game.
• Select teams and decide who goes first, red or blue. Perhaps use one of those quarters to help make that decision? Your call...
• The game is played by spinning the ball quarter from the 'batter's box' down the game board trying to get it to land in either the 'single,' 'double,' triple,' or 'homerun' sections of the game table. First team to 20 wins!
• Scoring - For every point a team racks up, the opposing team must drink. Losing team buys shots?!
• Singles - If the quarter stops spinning on this section, place a base runner quarter on first base advancing all other quarters already in play 1 base.
• Doubles - If the quarter stops spinning on this section, place a base runner quarter on second base advancing all other quarters already in play 2 bases.
• Triples - If the quarter stops spinning on this section, place a base runner quarter on third base advancing all other quarters already in play 3 bases.
• Homeruns - If the quarter stops spinning on this section, increase your score by 1 adding an additional point for every quarter already in play.
• Grand Slams - If the bases are loaded and the next at bat yields a 'Homerun', add 4 points and clear the field. Also, double the drinks to the opposing team.
• Bunting - If the quarter stops spinning on this section, advance all other quarters already in play, but the batter is out, no quarter on first base, and the batter must drink.
• Outs - If the quarter stops spinning on this section, the batter is out, the out is recorded, and the next batter is up. Same thing if the quarter spins off the table all together. 3 outs and the teams swap.