Caricature Artwork - Just added a new Creative Service!
Posted by Shawn Abel on
I started my art career in high school. Most notably, I designed some t-shirts for the football and wrestling teams. I also had a pretty slick fake ID program going for a minute. I do still love to dabble in t-shirts. The Secret Service, by way of the Sheriff at the time, persuaded me to abandon the counterfeiting venture. But there was a third, albeit less often requested, skill people who thought of me as talented in an artistic sort of way would ask for - Caricature.
I HATED it. Absolutely hated it. I always felt very put-on-the-spot, and very pressured. I'm sure part of that was the typical 'teenager trying to fit in and be accepted by peers' bullshit, but I have always hated, and still hate, having people looking over my shoulder while I work.
I tell people to take a broad look at my previous work and take a chance - if you like the older stuff, you're probably going to like what I do for you, but standing over me saying things like "maybe try moving it over like a half inch and see what that does." WILL make me want to kick you in whatever genitalia you have.
That said, eloquently if I do say so myself, I really enjoy the artistic variant known as Caricature. It is a way to show someone themselves in a light that can help them to not take themselves so seriously. It's a harmless goof. A silly tease. And, upon reflection, people can step outside of their egos for a minute or two and have a good chuckle at their own expense. That's good. That's healthy.
Now that I'm an old crabby asshole, it gives me a particular joy to do that with someone's picture, and it's also another fun outlet for my creativity that I hope you decide to take advantage of.
Caricature Artwork makes a great gift idea for, ya know, the people who have everything else already. Fun for a company team building project maybe? Commemorate a vacation? Lots of fun thing! Use your imagination, and email me if you have questions:
Here are some examples:

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