Original Artwork - Montana Artist, Shawn Abel - 1977-
Prints of Original Digital Paintings from Montana Artist, Shawn Abel.
When people typically think of buying a painting from an artist, they think in terms of owning an original vs. owning a print. With digital painting, the 'original' is a set of computer files and every copy is a 'print.' I can make as many, or as few, copies as I like, but that takes away from being able to say you own an 'original.' It's a bit of a pickle. So... I came up with the following solution. I will only ever sell one print, signed and dated by me, of each digital painting that I make, and I will include in the sale a notarized Certificate of Authenticity and Exclusivity, as well as the computer files I used to create the artwork. The piece will remain in my portfolio and on display here, but no copies will ever be produced or sold (unless they are willing to pay $100,000 because Shopify is stupid and I would never turn down $100,000).

Now that is out of the way, let's talk about why I paint in the first place.
Expressing the Human Condition
When working on digital paintings as a pure expression of creativity, I aim to capture glimpses of the human experience often substituting trees for actual people in order to represent an emotional state everyone can relate to without the distraction of an identifiable individual. I am fascinated by the duality of humanity, so I also enjoy dual imagery and using negative space.
Wildlife and Landscapes of Montana
In addition to the more expressionistic paintings, I find myself drawn to the wildlife common to Montana. Montana is a great example of duality. On the one hand there is untold beauty and multitudes of wildlife. A unique type of splendor and awe. On the other hand there is desolation and sadness. I try to capture the best of the state with wildlife and landscape paintings.
Commissioned Artwork
I also view my role as an artist as being someone best utilized to create what you want to see. So much of the 'wall decor' you can find in big box stores is just generic mass produced imports that does nothing to speak to who you are as a person - as art should. To that end, I'm always happy to take commissions. Pick a style, or a genre, or theme, and let me make something for you that is actually about you.
Sculpture, Upcycling, and Miscellaneous
Occasionally, I find upcycling to be a wonderfully challenging creative endeavor, and I often find myself roaming the isles of thrift stores and garage sales waiting for objects to speak to me. Often they are old, tired objects whos intended use no longer fits this world and they are begging for rebirth as something new and beautiful. These items are one-off pieces. Certainly more rare than any visual art.
If you have any questions, please email me at shawn@andabelart.com.